This guest checked in, but never checked out. Ainsley tells the story of Kate Morgan aka Lottie A Bernard and her haunted presence at the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego, CA
Originally from Springfield, MO, Ainsley had always had an interest in the spooky side! When she was way too little you could find her constantly rewatching The Sixth Sense (he is dead btw) and when she was only eight she claimed her favorite movie was The Ring. At a more mature age, Ainsley discovered the Travel Channel and never missed a ghost show with her mom on a Friday night; she also pretty regularly visited a shaman to get in touch with the spirit side.
Ainsley eventually, and thankfully (sorry Kori), left Missouri and now resides in Chicago, IL, with her two cats while working at a tech company. Ainsley loves Chicago history, hauntings, and hotdogs.
As much as Kori loved watching Scooby-Doo cartoons as a child, they gave her overactive imagination nightmare fuel to latch onto. To quell the nightmares, Kori’s parents would have her read until her mind had something else to think about as she drifted off to sleep. She also forever scarred herself by watching the 1990 It in the middle of the night at a sleepover. None of this deterred Kori from watching ghost shows on cable television networks and fostering a love of the similar topic of true crime.
Reading became a passion for Kori at a young age, not only because it kept the nightmares at bay, but it also kept her imagination occupied (read: kept her out of trouble, usually). It eventually became her career path. Kori resides with her dog in Springfield, Missouri, where she teaches high school English and print journalism.